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أهلا وسهلاً بكل الزوار الأعزاء في ملتقى أبناء قدس
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أهلا وسهلاً بكل الزوار الأعزاء في ملتقى أبناء قدس
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|[ملتقى أبناء قدس]|
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

|[ملتقى أبناء قدس]|

ملتقى أبناء قَدَس|موقع|منتدى|ملتقى|صور|سياحه|تراث|أصاله|فن|أدب|مناظر طبيعيه|كل مايخص محافظة تعز- اليمن | منتدى متكامل
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
اهلاً وسهلاً بكل الأعضاء في ملتقى أبناء قَدَس - نحيطكم الانتباه الى انه عند عمليه التسجيل او الدخول نرجو منكم كتابه ايميل واسم وكلمه سر صحيحه ومتأكدين منها ،، والمسجلين الجدد في الملتقى يمكنهم تفعيل عضويتهم من خلال الرسالة الفورية التى تصلهم إلى البريد الإلكتروني فور إستكمال تسجيلهم في الملتقى ،،،واي مشكله تقنيه نرجوا منكم التبليغ ..لا تنسوا زيارة الموقع السياحي لعزلة قدس على العنوان التالي www.qadaslife.net... .إدارة الملتقى            
  الملتقى بحاجة إلى مشرفين فمن لديه الرغبة التواصل معنا وإختيار المنتدى الذي يريد الإشراف فيه ليتم تعيينه .إدارة الملتقى 


 About my God

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
واعد عبدالواسع سعيد

~[مشرف سابق]~

~[مشرف سابق]~
واعد عبدالواسع سعيد

عدد المشاركات : 171
نقاط : 341
العمر : 36
الاقامه : صنعاء- شارع هائل

About my God Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: About my God   About my God I_icon_minitimeالخميس أغسطس 26, 2010 8:53 pm

Who is Allah?

It is a known fact that every language has one or more terms that are used in reference to God and sometimes to lesser deities. This is not the case with Allah. Allah is the personal name of the One true God. Nothing else can be called Allah. The term has no plural or gender. This shows its uniqueness when compared with the word god which can be made plural, gods, or feminine, goddess. It is interesting to notice that Allah is the personal name of God in Aramaic, the language of Jesus and a sister language of Arabic.

What does it mean to believe in Allah?

Ans: To believe in Allah means to believe in total perfection, and uniqueness.
It means to believe in His prophets because they are His, and He sent them. We can not pick and choose. A Muslim must believe in all the prophets of Allah.
It means to believe in the Angles! We must love them all. We cannot hate an Angel say, for example, Michael to whom rain and the vegetation of the Earth are attributed or Gabriel to whom revelation (bringing down the scriptures to the prophets) is attributed.
It means to believe in Allah's predestination of good and bad.
It means to believe in the last day: The day of Judgment.

What does Islam mean?

The Arabic word Islam simply means 'submission', and derives from a word meaning 'peace'. In a religious context it means complete submission to the will of God. 'Mohammedanism' is thus a misnomer because it suggests that Muslims worship Muhammad (peace be upon him) rather than God. 'Allah' is the Arabic name for God, which is used by Arab Muslims and Christians alike.

How do we know Islam is the truth?

1- It is the only religion that holds Allah as One, Unique, and Perfect.
2- It is the only religion that believes in the sole worship of Allah, not Jesus, not an idol, and not an angel, only Allah.
3- The Quran does not contain contradictions.
4- The Quran contains scientific facts, which are 1300 years ahead of their time. The Quran, while revealed 1400 years ago contains scientific facts, which are only now being discovered. It is not in contradiction to science.
5- Allah has challenged the world to produce the like of the Quran. And He says they won't be able to.
6- Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the most influential man in history. In the book "The 100 most influential men in History", written by non-Muslim, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was #1. Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) was #3. It should be noted that even the Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) was a prophet sent by Allah. Would Allah allow a false prophet to be so successful? No. Even the Bible refers to this in Deuteronomy 18:19. A false prophet would die!!! Yet Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) did not die till he completely conveyed, and taught Allah's religion.
7- He had many prophecies, and all of his prophecies have come true, or are still coming true.

Who is Jesus to us?

Jesus (peace be upon him) is a true prophet, sent by Allah like Moses, Abraham, Lot, Noah, Jonah, Joseph, etc (peace be upon them)

Is Allah the same as what Christians call "the father"?

Allah is the Creator, who Jesus (peace be upon him) worshipped. He is the Creator who spoke to Moses and split the sea for Moses and his followers. That is Allah. But Allah tells us: "Say Allah is one, He is Perfect, He has never begotten, nor was He begot, and there is no one equal to Him."

What about someone who has never heard of Islam?

Allah is the most just. It is inconceivable to perceive of anyone acting with more beneficence than Allah. Allah is the most just and in the Quran He said: "We will not punish without sending someone to warn you". The "We" here is the majestic we used in Arabic. So if a person never heard about Islam, and was never warned clearly, Allah would have a special test for that person that He knows is equal to the chance that person would have had on earth.

What about non-Muslims do; they go to heaven?

Allah only accepts Islam. He says in the Quran: "Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam it won't be accepted of him, and he will be one of the losers in the hereafter". I would rather lose anywhere, but not lose in the hereafter. This is because hellfire is eternal. It never ends and we never die when we go there, if we go there.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
About my God
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1

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